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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ganesh, Remover of Obstacles

Here's to Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, on the 2nd day of my fall detox. The kitchari turns out to be delicious and not so different from when my eating habits in healthy mode- rice, beans and vegetables, a little fat in the form of ghee. The tea actually helps with hunger, amazing. But last night dinner was late and hunger struck. When I get hungry, my mood sinks quickly. If meals are not regular, things can be downright unpleasant. Dinner wasn't ready until 7PM and it was a real struggle. I should have just had an apple, why didn't I just have an apple? Because, when hungry, rational thought is difficult to come by and it's either eat everything in sight or nothing at all. I'm working on that.

So this is good, I feel good, and practice was gentle this morning since first series at NeYoga with my favorite Ashtanga teacher Sue P is on the menu. One thing that is wonderful is not worrying about what to eat every day. Amazing how nice that is. So much energy is tied up in just deciding what to eat.

All this in an effort to get my silly butt off the floor in a jump through. Of course improved health and energy are desired also, but that jump through would be soooooo nice.

Ideas, resources and anecdotes on Ayurveda would be most welcome in the comment section.

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